Coastal CarbonMethane Chamber Database Structure

Methane Database Structure

Naming Conventions for Attributes and Variables

24 April 2020


This page serves as guidance for the types and scope of data and metadata that will be archived as part of the Coastal Carbon Network’s developing methane chamber data synthesis. We propose the following data structure and standardized attribute names for metadata and data in order to make datasets machine-readable and interoperable. Each subheading lists a level of metadata or data hierarchy from site level to chamber level to timeseries information. Each subheading also represents separate tables which can be joined by common attributes such as study_id, site_id, and chamber_id. We also include accompanying sets of recommended controlled vocabulary for key categorical variables (also known as factors). Some attributes have controlled units that we wish to keep uniform across datasets.

Throughout the table key attributes are bolded. Please strive to provide data for these attributes whenever possible.

Site Level

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Site information provides important context for your study. You should describe the site and how it fits into your broader study, provide geographic information, and add any relevant tags and notes regarding site vegetation and inundation.

attribute_name definition unit, format, or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al' if more than three, then publication year seperated by underscores.  
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.  
site_description Site description including relevant study details and political geographic units. Some of these descriptions can be automated by the ingestion code.  
utc_offset Offset from UTC of site data hour
site_longitude Positional longitude of the site in decimal degree WGS84. degree
site_latitude Positional latitude of the site in decimal degree WGS84. degree
site_elevation Site elevation relative to defined datum. meter
site_elevation_datum The datum relative to which the site elevation was measured against (For a complete list of datum names and aliases please refer to the ISO Geodedic Registry).  
site_elevation_MSL Elevation of mean sea level relative to a given datum meter
site_elevation_MSL_datum The datum relative to which the mean sea level was measured against (For a complete list of datum names and aliases please refer to the ISO Geodedic Registry).
site_elevation_MSL_station Station used to determine MSL free text
site_elevation_MSL_years Period used to determine MSL year
site_tidal_range Mean tidal range calculated as the difference between Mean High Water and Mean Low water meter
climate_classification Köppen climate classification Af; Am; Aw; Bsh; Bsk; Bwh; Bwk; Cfa; Cfb; Cfc; Csa; Csb; Cwa; Cwb; Cwc; Dfa; Dfb; Dfc; Dfd; Dsa; Dsb; Dsc; Dsd; Dwa; Dwb; Dwc; Dwd; EF; ET
land_cover_type_IGBP Vegetation type based on the IGBP definition Barren Sparse Vegetation; Croplands; Closed Shrublands; Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaics; Deciduous Broadleaf Forests; Deciduous Needleleaf Forests; Evergreen Broadleaf Forests; Evergreen Needleleaf Forests; Grasslands; Mixed Forests; Open Shrublands; Savannas; Snow and Ice; Urban and Built-Up Lands; Water Bodies; Permanent Wetlands; Woody Savannas
mean_annual_temp Climatological long-term Mean Annual average air Temperature (MAT) degreesCelsius
mean_annual_precipitation Climatological long-term Mean Annual average Precipitation (MAP) millimeter
salinity_class Code based on submitter field observation or measurement indicating average annual salinity (Note: freshwater should only include tidal wetlands, or wetlands that are potentially/formerly tidal but artificially freshened due to artificial tidal restrictions). fresh = <0.5 ppt.; oligohaline = 0.5-5 ppt.; mesohaline = 5-18 ppt.; polyhaline = 18-30 ppt.; mixoeuhaline = 30-40 ppt.; saline = 30-50 ppt.; brine = >50 ppt.
salinity_method Indicate whether salinity_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement. field observation = Salinity inferred by field observation such as vegetation.; measurement = Salinity observed from local instrument.
salinity_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how salinity_class was determined.  
inundation_class Code based on submitter field observation or measurement indicating how often the site location is inundated. high = Study-Specific definition of an elevation relatively high in the tidal frame located above the Mean Highwater Mark (MHW), inundated infrequently either during high rainfall events, spring tides, or above normal high tides and typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, Salicornia sp., Juncus sp., and bulrush species).; mid = Study-specific definition of an elevation in the relative middle of the tidal frame, typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina patens).; low = Specific definition of an elevation relatively low in the tidal frame, typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina alterniflora).; levee = Study-specific definition of a relatively high elevation zone built up on the edge of a river, creek, or channel.; back = Study-specific definition of a relatively low elevation zone behind a levee.
inundation_method Indicate whether inundation_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement field observation = Inundation inferred by field observation such as vegetation.; measurement = Inundation class assessed from elevation and nearby tide gauge or other similar method.
inundation_time Fraction of time the site location is inundated daily fraction
inundation_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how inundation/elevation was determined  
wetland_vegetation_class Code based on submitter field observations or measurement indicating dominant wetland vegetation type. mudflat = Describes unvegetated areas exposed and flooded by the tides.; emergent = Describes wetlands dominated by persistent emergent vascular plants.; scrub shrub = Describes wetlands dominated by woody vegetation less than or equal to 5 meters in height.; forested = Describes wetlands dominated by woody vegetation > 5 meters in height.; FO/SS = Dominated by forested to scrub/shrub biomass.; seagrass = Describes tidal or subtidal communities dominated by rooted vascular plants.
wetland_vegetation_method Indicate whether wetland_vegetation_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement field observation = Vegetation inferred by field observation.; measurement = Vegetation measured by counts or plots.
wetland_vegetation_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how vegetation_class was were determined  
net_primary_productivity Annual Net Primary Productivity measured at the site level. Negative values to indicate net uptake gramsCarbonPerSquareMeterPerYear
ecosystem_respiration Annual ecosystem respiration measured at the site level gramsCarbonPerSquareMeterPerYear
impact_class Code indicating any major anthropogenic and/or natural impacts historically and currently affecting the site dates of measurement. undisturbed = No disturbance or management has occurred on the site.; tidally restricted = Tidal flow is muted or blocked by built structures.; impounded = Water level is raised artificially by a tidal restriction, resulting in ponding of water on the wetland and or upland surface.; managed impounded = Wetland is impounded seasonally, and other times natural or semi natural hydrology occurs.; ditched = Tidal hydrology is altered because artificial ditches have been cut to promote tidal flooding and drainage.; diked and drained = The wetland has been diked and drained, with or without flapper gates, pumping, or other means.; farmed = Managed impoundment or drainage in which wetland has been converted to agricultural land.; tidally restored = Tidal flow has been restored by removing an artificial obstruction.; submergence-salinization = due to sea level rise and salt water intrusion.; revegetated = Wetland vegetation has been reintroduced by replanting on unvegetated surfaces.; invasive plants removed = Natural plant communities have been restored by the active removal of invasive plant species.; invasive herbivores removed = Tidal wetland vegetation has been managed by the removal of invasive herbivores.; sediment added = Elevation has been managed by artificially adding sediment to the site using techniques such as thin layering or sediment diversion.; wetlands built = Constructed wetland using sediments such as dredge spoils or other sediment source.; fire = wildfire or managed burns.; land cover change = land use and land cover change.; invasion = woody or urban encroachment.; grazing = herbivory or browsing by mammals, managed or wild.; pests and disease = plant or soil damage from pests, insects, pathogens, blight, and other diseases.; storm or wind = Major storms including unusually high-precipitation and unusually high-wind events e.g. hurricane, hail, flooding from storm, etc. Temperature extreme + heat wave or freeze
ecosystem_age If historically disturbed, time since disturbance years
mean_dry_bulk_density Mean soil bulk density gramsPerCubicCentimeter
se_dry_bulk_density Standard error of the mean bulk density gramsPerCubicCentimeter
mean_soil_organic Mean Soil organic matter conent fraction
se_soil_organic Standard error of mean soil organic matter conent fraction
mean_soil_carbon Mean soil organic carbon conent fraction
se_soil_carbon Standard error of mean soil organic carbon conent fraction
mean_soil_total_nitrogen Mean soil total nitrogen conent fraction
se_soil_total_nitrogen Standard error of mean soil total nitrogen conent fraction
mean_soil_total_phosphorous Mean soil total phosphorous conent fraction
se_soil_total_phosphorous Standard error of mean soil total phosphorous conent fraction
mean_soil_CN_ratio Mean soil C:N dimensionless
se_soil_CN_ratio Standard error of mean soil C:N dimensionless
mean_soil_clay Mean fraction of clay (<4 microns) in soil (0-1) fraction
se_soil_clay Standard error of mean fraction of clay fraction
mean_soil_silt Mean fraction of silt (4 - 63 microns) in soil (0-1) fraction
se_soil_silt Standard error mean fraction of silt fraction
mean_soil_sand Mean fraction of sand (>63 microns) in soil (0-1) fraction
se_soil_sand Standard error of mean fraction of sand fraction

Chamber Level

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attribute_name definition unit, format, or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al' if more than three, then publication year seperated by underscores.  
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.  
chamber_id Chamber identification code unique to each site.  
chamber_year Year of chamber installation YYYY
chamber_type Chamber type static; automated
collar_installation_date Date of chamber collar installation. YYYY-MM-DD
collar_installation_period Code indicating how far in advance collars were installed, if collar installation date is unknown. less than one week prior to sampling event; between one week and one month prior to sampling event; between one month and one year prior to sampling event; more than one year prior to sampling event
collar_insertion_depth Depth of collar insertion centimeter
chamber_volume Chamber volume. cubicMeter
chamber_area Collar area. squareMeter
chamber_opacity chamber opacity clear; opaque
mixing_fan_present Chamber mixing fan present and operating TRUE; FALSE
path_to_chamber Was there a boardwalk or other means to approach the chamber without compressing the soil? TRUE; FALSE
chamber_location_notes chamber location comment (hummock/hollow, wetland edge, ditch, etc) free text
chamber_notes Any other relevant submitter generated notes on chambers.  
chamber_longitude Positional longitude of the chamber in decimal degree WGS84. degree
chamber_latitude Positional latitude of the chamber in decimal degree WGS84. degree
chamber_position_accuracy Accuracy of latitude and longitude measurement, if determined and recorded. meter
chamber_position_method Code indicating how latitude and longitude were determined. RTK; handheld; other high resolution; other moderate resolution; other low resolution
chamber_elevation Surface elevation of the chamber relative to defined datum. meter
chamber_elevation_datum The datum relative to which the chamber elevation was measured against (For a complete list of datum names and aliases please refer to the ISO Geodedic Registry).  
chamber_elevation_accuracy Accuracy of elevation measurement, if determined and recorded meter
chamber_elevation_method Code indicating how elevation was determined RTK; other high resolution; LiDAR; DEM; other low resolution
chamber_elevation_MSL Surface elevation of the chamber relative to mean sea level meter
chamber_elevation_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how elevation was determined  
salinity_class If salinity was determined at the site level, please leave it blank here. Code based on submitter field observation or measurement indicating average annual salinity (Note: freshwater should only include tidal wetlands, or wetlands that are potentially/formerly tidal but artificially freshened due to artificial tidal restrictions). fresh = <0.5 ppt.; oligohaline = 0.5-5 ppt.; mesohaline = 5-18 ppt.; polyhaline = 18-30 ppt.; mixoeuhaline = 30-40 ppt.; saline = 30-50 ppt.; brine = >50 ppt.
salinity_method Indicate whether salinity_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement field observation = Salinity inferred by field observation such as vegetation.; measurement = Salinity observed from local instrument.
salinity_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how salinity_class was determined  
inundation_class If inundation was determined at the site level, please leave it blank here. Code based on submitter field observation or measurement indicating how often the chamber location is inundated. high = Study-Specific definition of an elevation relatively high in the tidal frame located above the Mean Highwater Mark (MHW), inundated infrequently either during high rainfall events, spring tides, or above normal high tides and typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, Salicornia sp., Juncus sp., and bulrush species).; mid = Study-specific definition of an elevation in the relative middle of the tidal frame, typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina patens).; low = Specific definition of an elevation relatively low in the tidal frame, typically defined by vegetation type (e.g., Spartina alterniflora).; levee = Study-specific definition of a relatively high elevation zone built up on the edge of a river, creek, or channel.; back = Study-specific definition of a relatively low elevation zone behind a levee.
inundation_method Indicate whether inundation_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement field observation = Inundation inferred by field observation such as vegetation.; measurement = Inundation class assessed from elevation and nearby tide gauge or other similar method.
inundation_time Fraction of time the chamber location is inundated daily fraction
inundation_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how inundation/elevation was determined  
wetland_vegetation_class If wetland veg class was determined at the site level, please leave it blank here. Code based on submitter field observations or measurement indicating dominant wetland vegetation type. mudflat = Describes unvegetated areas exposed and flooded by the tides.; emergent = Describes wetlands dominated by persistent emergent vascular plants.; scrub shrub = Describes wetlands dominated by woody vegetation less than or equal to 5 meters in height.; forested = Describes wetlands dominated by woody vegetation > 5 meters in height.; FO/SS = Dominated by forested to scrub/shrub biomass.; seagrass = Describes tidal or subtidal communities dominated by rooted vascular plants.
wetland_vegetation_method Indicate whether vegetation_class was determined using a field observation or a measurement field observation = Vegetation inferred by field observation.; measurement = Vegetation measured by counts or plots.
wetland_vegetation_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how vegetation_class and dominant_species were determined.  
field_or_manipulation_code Code to indicate whether this is a field study or an artificial growing manipulation like a marsh organ or mesocosm. field; marsh organ; mesocosm
chamber_treatment_code Code indicating whether there was an experimental treatment at the plot (as opposed to an unmanipulated control). control; treatment
chamber_treatment_notes Any relevant submitter generated notes on how chamber_treatment_code was determined.  
chamber_species Species (Latin binomial) according to the most up to date classification. If multiple species per chamber, separate species name by semicolons  
chamber_species_date Measurement date of species fraction cover, biomass, leaf area, LAI or height YYYY-MM-DD
fraction_cover Estimated ground area coverage of species or vegetation type in chamber (0-1). If multiple species per chamber, separate each species cover by semicolons following the same order as the chamber_species fraction
fraction_cover_method Method used to calculate fraction cover number; mass; area; abundance
clipping Was vegetation clipped before measurement period? TRUE; FALSE
biomass Live plant mass within chamber footprint. If multiple species per chamber, separate each species biomass by semicolons following the same order as the chamber_species gC/m2
specific_leaf_area Specific leaf area of plants in chamber squareCentimetersPerGram
leaf_area_index Leaf area index of plants in chamber m2/m2
species_CN_ratio carbon/nitrogen ratio in vegetation in chamber or representative of chamber dimensionless
height average plant height within chamber meter
species_notes Any other submitter defined notes regarding the species.  
dry_bulk_density Soil bulk density gramsPerCubicCentimeter
soil_organic Soil organic matter conent fraction
soil_carbon Soil organic carbon conent fraction
soil_CN_ratio Soil C:N dimensionless

Chamber Time Series

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This level of hierarchy contains the actual time series information. Sample ID’s should be used in the case that there are multiple replicates of a measurements. 

attribute_name definition unit, format, or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al' if more than three, then publication year seperated by underscores.  
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.  
chamber_id Chamber identification code unique to each site. Use chamber_id followed by a position and aggregation qualifiers H_V_R (horizontal_ vertical_replicate). For example two replicate chambers (Ch_1_1_1 and Ch_1_1_2), two different chambers in the same site (Ch_1_1_1 and Ch_2_1_1)  
sample_id Unique identifier for samples if there are more than one replicate per sampling event.  
sample_year Year of the sampling event. YYYY
sample_month Month of the sampling event. MM
sample_day Day of the sampling event. If DD was not recorded, use NA DD
chamber_eq_time Length of time the chamber equilibrated before measurements were taken. minutes
chamber_measurement_length Measurement length minutes
chamber_volume Chamber volume. cubicMeter
sample_start_time_hour Start of measurement period, local time, no DST. HH
sample_start_time_minutes Start of measurement period, local time, no DST. MM
sample_start_time_seconds Start of measurement period, local time, no DST. If seconds were not recorded use NA SS
sample_end_time_hour End of measurement period, local time, no DST HH
sample_end_time_minutes End of measurement period, local time, no DST MM
sample_end_time_seconds End of measurement period, local time, no DST. Use NA if seconds were not recorded SS
chamber_measurement_mode Measurement mode Close flow, open flow or point measurement
chamber_flow_rate Chamber flow rate L min-1
light_treatment Fraction (0-1) describing any light/dark treatment the sampling event was subjected too. Fraction ambient light (0 is dark)
ch4_analyzer model of analyzer(s) used for fluxes free text
ch4_flux Methane flux (CH4) inside chamber. Positive fluxes are net emissions to atmosphere. nanoMolPersquareMeterPerSecond
ch4_flux_model Specify model/method used to calculate flux over sampling period. linear; exponential ; summation of fluxes during specific time intervals; internal vs external gas concentration
ch4_flux_se The standard error of CH4 flux.  
ch4_flux_n Typical number of sampling events within sampling period.  
ch4_flux_r2 The R^2 value of the model used to calculate flux over sampling period. dimensionless
ch4_flux_pvalue_threshold p-value threshold of significance of the slope parameter  
ch4_flux_notes Any user submitted notes about CH4 during the sampling period.  
co2_flux Carbon dioxide (CO2) flux inside chamber. Positive fluxes are net emissions to atmosphere. microMolPersquareMeterPerSecond
co2_flux_model Specify model used to calculate flux over sampling period. linear; exponential ; summation of fluxes during specific time intervals; internal vs external gas concentration
co2_flux_se The standard error of CO2 flux.  
co2_flux_n Number of sampling events within sampling period. It is valid to report a typical number for continuous measurements  
co2_flux_r2 The R^2 value of the model used to calculate flux over sampling period. dimensionless
co2_flux_notes Any user submitted notes about CO2 during the sampling period.  
n2o_flux The flux of N2O between the chamber and environment over the sampling period. nanoMolPersquareMeterPerSecond
n2o_flux_model Specify model used to calcuate flux over sampling period. linear; exponential ; summation of fluxes during specific time intervals; internal vs external gas concentration
n2o_flux_se The standard error of N2O flux.  
n2o_flux_n Typical number of sampling events within sampling period.  
n2o_flux_r2 The R^2 value of the model used to calculate flux over sampling period. dimensionless
n2o_flux_notes Any user submitted notes about N2O during the sampling period.  
air_temperature_inside_chamber Air temperature inside chamber measured over the sampling time. degreesCelsius
air_temperature_outside_chamber Air temperature outside chamber measured over the sampling time. degreesCelsius
soil_temperature Soil temperature inside chamber measured over the sampling time. degreesCelsius
soil_temperature_depth Soil temperature probe depth. centimeter
soil_water_content Soil water content (volumetric) inside chamber, range 0-100 Percent
soil_water_content_depth Soil depth at which water content/maisture has been measured centimeter
par_inside_chamber Photosynthetically active raditation, incoming, inside the chamber micromolPhotonPerSquareMeterPerSecond
par_outside_chamber Photosynthetically active raditation, incoming, outside the chamber micromolPhotonPerSquareMeterPerSecond
conductivity Temperature corrected electrical conductivity (EC) milliSiemensPerMeter
salinity Salinity measured during the sampling interval ppt
conductivity_salinity_media Indicate whether conductivity and salinity where measured in surface, porewaters or bulk soil. surface; porewater; soil
conductivity_salinity_depth Conductivity and salinity probe depth. Negative values indicate depths below soil surface. centimeter
water_table_depth water table depth (negative values belowground surface) meter
sampling_interval_notes Any other relevant user submitted notes. free text

Porewater Level

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attribute_name definition unit, format, or codes
study_id Unique identifier for the study made up of the first author's family name, as well as the second author's or 'et al' if more than three, then publication year seperated by underscores.  
site_id Site identification code unique to each study.  
chamber_id Chamber identification code unique to each site.  
sample_id Unique identifier for samples if there are more than one replicate per sampling event.  
porewater_method Method used to collect porewater samples sippers; peepers; piezometer; centrifugation; core
sample_year Year of the sampling event. YYYY
sample_month Month of the sampling event. MM
sample_day Day of sampling event. If day was not recorded please use NA DD
sample_start_time Start of measurement period, local time, no DST HH:mm:ss
sample_end_time End of measurement period, local time, no DST HH:mm:ss
porewater_depth Depth of the porewater draw centimeter
porewater_depth_min If porewaters integrate several centimeters, min (upper) depth of the porewater draw centimeter
porewater_depth_max If porewaters integrate several centimeters, maximum (bottom) depth of the porewater draw centimeter
porewater_temperature Temperature of porewaters at chamber or site location degreesCelcious
porewater_conductivity Porewater conductivity at chamber or site location milliSiemens
porewater_conductivity_depth Depth of the porewater draw centimeter
porewater_salinity Salinity measured in porewater at chamber or site location partsPerThousand
porewater_salinity_depth Porewater salinity probe depth centimeter
porewater_pH soil porewater pH numeric
porewater_O2_concentration Dissolved oxygen measured in porewater at sampling time. microMolar
porewater_SO4_concentration Sulfate measured in porewater at sampling time. milliMolar
porewater_H2S_concentration Sulfide measured in porewater at sampling time. microMolar
porewater_FeIII_concentration Ferric iron measured in porewater at sampling time. microMolar
porewater_FeII_concentration Ferrous iron measured in porewater at sampling time microMolar
porewater_NH4+ Ammonium measured in porewater at sampling time microMolar
porewater_NO3+NO2 Nitrate-Nitrite measured in porewater at sampling time microMolar
porewater_CH4_concentration Methane measured in porewater at sampling time. microMolar
porewater_DOC_concentration Dissolved organic carbon measured in porewater at sampling time microMolar
porewater_DIC_concentration Dissolved inorganic carbon measured in porewater at sampling time microMolar