Visiting Scientists and Research Associates
As a collaborative environment, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) encourages scientists and students to use the unique features of the site, including access to a variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, access to long-term data sets, and the expertise of our scientists and staff.
Visiting Scientists
Visiting Scientists are individuals who intend on working on SERC property unescorted by SERC staff regardless of the length of the visit. Visiting Scientists are approved by the Deputy Director on the basis of an application that specifies the dates of the visit, the SERC staff sponsor, the nature of the work to be performed, and needs for space, equipment or specialized safety training. Appointments range from 1 day to 1 year depending on the need, and can be renewed. Visiting Scientists are not eligible to be a Principle Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on grants through their Smithsonian affiliation. Examples of Visiting Scientists include: individuals doing lab or field work for periods of a few days, graduate students in residence for a few years, and senior scientists on sabbatical for up to one year.
For more information about becoming a Visiting Scientist, please contact Dr. Pat Megonigal.
Research Associates
Research Associates are individuals who have a long-term collaboration with a SERC scientist that is expected to continue well into the future. This appointment is meant to facilitate collaboration on manuscripts, research proposals, public education, or other scholarly activities that benefit the SERC community. Most Research Associates hold a PhD and are not residents on SERC's campus. Research Associates are eligible to be a Principle Investigator (PI) on grants, provided a SERC staff sponsor approved by the Director assumes fiduciary responsibility. Appointments are for 3 years and may be renewed.
For more information about becoming a Research Associate, please contact Dr. Pat Megonigal.