Volunteer with SERC!
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) couldn't carry out its mission without volunteers. Volunteering allows people of all ages and backgrounds to inspire and engage people and it's a wonderful opportunity to develop skills, explore another career, enhance personal growth, connect with others, strengthen communities, improve lives, and have a meaningful impact in today's world.
Explore our opportunities in more detail below and discover which program is right for you!
Environmental Education Programs

Share your enthusiasm for nature and the Bay!
- Lead or assist with hands-on programs and educational activities
- Guide hikes and canoe excursions
- Help with aquarium care and cleaning, trail maintenance, gardening, office work
- Support the Education Program team with its volunteer recruitment and training
Participatory Science Programs

Work directly with our researchers as a volunteer scientist!
- Study and identify marine invertebrates or parasites
- Participate in archaeology projects
- Work in our research laboratories
Docent Programs

Lead hiking tours and introduce SERC's exciting environmental research to the public!
- Guide hikes along one of SERC's beautiful, waterfront trails
- Share your love of environmental science, nature, and the outdoors with the public
- Possible opportunities to interact with leading scientists and go behind the scenes on our research
Want to join us?
Contact us for more information and to get involved!
Education Program Coordinator: Karen McDonald, McDonaldK@si.edu
Participatory Science Program Coordinator: Rachael Mady, MadyR@si.edu