On-site School Programs
SERC School Field Trip
Shorelines (10-120 students/day)
Shorelines Description
Our main field trip is called "Shorelines" and is a four-hour field trip (you can choose to do 1 hour or up to all 4) from 10 am - 2 pm. Shorelines is only offered April - November.
There will be 45-minute stations focused on Chesapeake Bay biodiversity and the science of the Smithsonian. Students will take on the role of scientists, using similar sampling techniques and methods to learn about life in the Bay and their connection to that life.
Grades Served
All of our stations are designed to be adapted to serve grades K-12th. Our experienced educators can adapt materials and information, but the hands-on components are similar. For K-2nd grade students, we will adapt programs to be entirely on land, and not the docks.
See what NGSS standards are met by our stations.
"Shorelines" can be adapted for K-2nd, 3rd-8th, or 9th-12th. The stations offered will change based on season, group interest, availability, and weather. Please let us know if you have a particular focus you’re interested in.
K-2nd: Seining, Oysters, Bay Sharks, Terrapins (live terrapin), Blue Crabs (live blue crab), or Marsh Hike
3rd-12th: Seining, Oysters, Scopes (3rd-12th), Bay Sharks (3rd-7th only), Terrapins (live terrapin), Blue Crab Lab, or Marsh Hike
Mixed Grade Group
We ask that groups be composed of students within at least 3 grades or years of each other. For example, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade could be together, or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you have a larger mix, then you must book two separate field trips. However, those trips could run on the same day. Our maximum number per age group is 42 per age range/group. This means we can go up to 48 students per day of mixed-age students.
Station Options
Rotations run for about 45 minutes
- Seining (all grades): Students in grades 3+ will don waders and use nets to try and catch a diversity of fish and invertebrates in the nearshore zone. K-2nd grade students will help with handling creatures, while chaperones put on waders and seine for them.
- Oysters (all grades): Students sort through oyster baskets and learn about why oysters and vertical reef structure are important to benthic biodiversity.
- Microscope & Magnification Lab (3rd grade and up): Set up with a wide variety of bay organisms, macroalgae, and plankton, students will use microscopes and make their own samples to study epibenthic biodiversity and plankton.
- Blue Crab Lab (all grades): Dive into the world of blue crabs by learning about their adaptations for living in the Bay. If the season allows, we’ll see a live blue crab up close!
- Marsh Hike (all grades): Students take a short walk to our Marsh Overlook to learn about why marshes are important. For older students, we’ll talk about ecology and our SERC research.
- Bay Sharks (K-2nd and 3rd-7th grade): We’ll learn about how our scientists study sharks that visit the Bay, and why sharks are really our friends!
- Turtles and Terrapins (all grades): Visit with our ambassador terrapins and learn all about turtle and terrapin adaptations for living in the Bay, and how scientists study turtles.
How many people can SERC accommodate on field trips at one time?
We are only allowed 60 program participants at a time at stations, but you may bring up to 120, and have ½ do self-directed activities and ½ do stations, then swap. This means instead of the usual 4 stations in a day, each set of students would be able to do 2 stations. We ask that groups be composed of students within at least 3 grades or years of each other. More information about Mixed Grade Groups above.

To book a field trip, groups will fill out a form or contact Karen McDonald at McDonaldK@si.edu. Fees are based on a flat rate by number of students, please see the table below. Payment for field trips is required one month before your trip date. We now only accept credit cards (Vis, MC, Di, Amx). Please contact us if this is prohibitive for your field trip. Field trip fees are nonrefundable. If there is inclement weather we will work to reschedule.
Number of students | Cost | Number of stations each student could complete from 10 am - 2 pm |
10-15 | $300 | 4 |
16-29 | $510 | 4 |
30-50 | $850 | 4 |
51-60 | $1,020 | 4 |
61-80 | $1,200 | 2 |
80-120 | $1,800 | 2 |
Please do not bring more than the confirmed # of students. If you bring more than confirmed we will charge a service fee of 10% of your program cost and may need to modify your program.
If the group has more than each number of students, they should round up. For example, if you have 12 students, round up to 2 chaperones instead of 1. For mixed age groups, you should use the ratio for the youngest grade you have for the entire trip. For example, if you have grades 2, 3, and 4, then you’d use the chaperone ratio for 2nd grade.
Chaperones need to:
- Be 20 years of age
- Be responsible for student behavior
- Learning specialist do not count toward chaperone numbers
Students | Number of chaperones needed Ratio of adults to children |
K-2nd | 1:5 |
3rd-12th | 1:10 |
Special Needs Students | 1:5 |
Maximum number of chaperones: Minimum + 5. Bring the minimum number of chaperones required, and not beyond the maximum. If you bring fewer than the required number of chaperones we may adjust your program, offer alternative activities, or ask you to divide your group. As a last resort, we may cancel for the safety of students.

In case of weather:
- If there is thunder and lightening, activities are canceled.
- If there is light rain, activities will still run.
- If wind is over “small craft advisory” or unsafe on the docks, then we will move activities accordingly.
- All cancelations are at the discretion of SERC. We will reschedule if needed.
- If weather is inclement, we reserve the right to change station locations or change station topics.
Other Information
- Lunch: We have a picnic pavilion and tables behind the Reed Center. SERC has the right to reserve either of these areas depending on need or weather.
- Food: Please note that there are no food or beverages available onsite or nearby. You should bring lunches in bags (we suggest lunch containers, boxes, or backpacks, as our squirrels and birds like student lunches too, so you need to protect them!)
- Suggested list of things to bring: Once you register, we will send you a confirmation and a list of suggested things to bring to make your stay more enjoyable.
- Student medications and first aid: You are responsible for carrying and managing student medications, and for handling first aid needs.
To book a field trip, or for more information: Email Karen McDonald (McDonaldK@si.edu), or call 443-482-2216.
Small group canoe trips, guided hikes, bird walks, virtual programs, and teacher PD are also available. Please ask for more information.