Karen McDonald
Education Specialist
(443) 482.2216
Education Program Director and Curriculum Development Visiting Hours: Monday-Sunday, 8am-5:30pm. Read Plan Your Visit for more information on where to park, updated maps, safety, and more. Find out when to visit the Woodlawn History Center.
M.S. in Biology, University of Central Arkansas (Cum Laude)
B.S. Environmental Science and Philosophy, Ferrum College, VA (Cum Laude)
I have been the Education Director at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) for nearly four years, and the Outreach Coordinator for eight and a half years. This has involved working with K-12 school students, teachers, and the general public while coordinating with SERC researchers and representing SERC research. Before this I worked with the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) developing international curriculum, a video series, and education apps. Previously I also worked at the Head Park Naturalist at Cape Henlopen State Park, Trap Pond State Park, and Killens Pond State Park in Delaware. I has also worked with The Delaware Center for Inland Bays, Hawk Watch International, The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, and US Forest Service as well as developing curriculum for the Discovery Channel. I am a Certified Interpretive Guide, Red Cross Canoe Guide, and Wilderness First Aid certified. Her MS is in Biology from the University of Central Arkansas and a BS in Environmental Science and Philosophy from Ferrum College, in Virginia. She has a special interest in Chesapeake Bay river otters and is a member of the IUCN Otter Specialist Group, as well as an avid birder, kayaker, and hunter.
McDonald, Karen S. Workshop Presentation, Smithsonian Science: Ecosystem Engineers Curriculum for Teachers. Maryland Association of Outdoor and Environmental Educators. February 2012.
McDonald, Karen S. Workshop Presentation. Plankton in the Classroom. National Science Teachers Association Conference. September 2009.
McDonald, Karen S. Workshop Presentation, Biomimicry Science Fairs for the Home School Audience. Biomimicry Institute Education Summit and Global Conference. June 2013.
McDonald, Karen S. Spring 2013. Butterflies and Biomimicry. Greenteacher. #99.
McDonald, Karen S. Winter 2012-2013. Swimming with Sharks: Teaching Biomimicry using Sharks. Greenteacher. #98.
Ruehle, J., McDonald K.S. et. Al. 2002 Biology for General Education, Biol. 1400 Laboratory Manual. Hayden McNeil, Plymouth, MI.
McDonald, K.S. 2001 A Paeleoecologial Reconstruction of the Imo Formation from the Mississippian Era at the Payton Creek Road Cut in North Central Arkansas. Masters Thesis. University of Central Arkansas, AR.
Poster Presentation, 2001 Geological Society of American, concerning echinoderms of the Mississippian Era from North Central Arkansas.
Poster Presentation, 2000 Arkansas Academy of Sciences, A Paeleoecologial Reconstruction of the Imo Formation from the Mississippian Era at the Payton Creek Road Cut in North Central Arkansas.