Staff Profile
Photo for Pat Neale


Research Interests

I study the effects of sunlight, especially ultraviolet radiation, on ecosystems and the environment.  I mainly work in freshwater and marine systems focusing on the responses of the smallest organisms in those systems, the plankton.  A long term project has been studying the effects of increased UV-B due to Antarctic ozone depletion on the productivity of the Southern Ocean which surrounds the Antarctic continent.  I also supervise the SI solar-radiation monitoring program which has been measuring UV-B radiation in Maryland since the 1970s compiling one of the longest records of spectral irradiance in the world. 


  • Thomas, Brian C. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Snyder, Brock R. (2015). Solar Irradiance Changes and Photobiological Effects at Earth's Surface Following Astrophysical Ionizing Radiation Events. Astrobiology, 15 (3) , 207-220.
  • Figueroa, F. L. ; Mercado, J. M. ; Beardall, J. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Montecino, V. ; Kromkamp, J. C. (2014). Introduction. Aquatic Biology, 22 , 1-4.
  • Fragoso, Glaucia Moreira ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Kana, Todd Milan ; Pritchard, Alicia Lynn. (2014). Kinetics of Photosynthetic Response to Ultraviolet and Photosynthetically Active Radiation in Synechococcus WH8102 (CYANOBACTERIA). Photochemistry and photobiology, 90 (3) , 522-532.
  • Kieber, David J. ; Miller, Gary W. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Mopper, Kenneth. (2014). Wavelength and temperature-dependent apparent quantum yields for photochemical formation of hydrogen peroxide in seawater. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (4)
  • Neale, Patrick J. (2013). Species Specific Responses to Combined Thermal-irradiance Stress in Microalgae - Each is to its Own. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 89 (4) , 822-823.
  • Neale, Patrick J. ; Pritchard, A. L. ; Ihnacik, R. (2013). UV effects on the primary productivity of picophytoplankton: biological weighting functions and exposure response curves of Synechococcus . Biogeosciences Discussions, 10 (12) , 19449-19484.
  • MacKay, M. D. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Arp, C. D. ; Domis, L. N. De Senerpont ; Fang, X. ; Gal, G. ; Joehnk, K. D. ; Kirillin, G. ; Lenters, J. D. ; Litchman, E. ; MacIntyre, S. ; Marsh, P. ; Melack, J. ; Mooij, W. M. ; Peeters, F. ; Quesada, A. ; Schladow, S. G. ; Schmid, M. ; Spence, C. ; Stokes, S. L. (2009). Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system . Limnology and Oceanography, 54 (6) , 2315-2329.
  • Miller, Harlan L., III. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Dunton, Kenneth H. (2009). Biological Weighting Functions for UV inhibition of photosynthesis in the Kelp Laminaria hyperborea (Phaeophyceae) . Journal of Phycology, 45 (3) , 571-584.
  • Moisan, T. A. ; Goes, J. ; Neale, Patrick J. (2009). Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids In Phytoplankton: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Optics. Marine Phytoplankton (119-143) Nova Science Publishers .
  • Tzortziou, Maria ; Gallegos, Charles L. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Subramaniam, Ajit ; Herman, Jay R. ; Harding, Lawrence W., Jr. (2009). Bio-optical characteristics and remote sensing in the mid Chesapeake Bay through intergration of observations and radiative transfer closure. Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management (139-168) Springer .
  • Fritz, Jennifer J. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Davis, Richard F. ; Peloquin, Jill A. (2008). Response of Antarctic phytoplankton to solar UVR exposure: inhibition and recovery of photosynthesis in coastal and pelagic assemblages. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 365 (1) , 1-16.
  • Lantz, Kathleen ; Disterhoft, Patrick ; Slusser, James ; Gao, Wei ; Berndt, Jerry ; Bernhard, Germar ; Bloms, Sarah ; Booth, Rocky ; Ehramjian, James ; Harrison, Lee ; Janson, George ; Johnston, Paul ; Kiedron, Piotr ; McKenzie, Richard ; Kimlin, Michael ; Neale, Patrick J. ; O'Neill, Michael ; Quang, Vi V. ; Seckmeyer, Gunther ; Taylor, Thomas ; Wuttke, Sigrid ; Michalsky, Joseph. (2008). 2003 North American interagency intercomparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers: scanning and spectrograph instruments. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2 (1) , Art. no. 023547.
  • Williamson, C. E. ; Neale, Patrick J. (2008). Ultraviolet Light. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters v.2 (705-714) Elsevier .
  • Neale, Patrick J. ; Helbling, E. Walter ; Day, Thomas A. (2007). Symposium In Print: UV Effects in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments: Introduction . Photochemistry and photobiology, 83 (4) , 775-776.
  • Tzortziou, M. ; Subramaniam, A. ; Herman, J. ; Gallegos, Charles L. ; Neale, Patrick J. ; Harding, L. W. (2007). Remote Sensing Reflectance and Inherent Optical Properties in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 72 , 16-32.
