Monaca Noble
Research Technician
Participatory science, ballast water Research Labs
Visiting Hours: Monday-Sunday, 8am-4:30pm. Read Plan Your Visit for more information on where to park, updated maps, safety, and more. Find out when to visit the Woodlawn History Center.
Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Resources (2007) Portland State University.
Thesis: Evaluating the Risk of Invasions Associated with Low Salinity Ballast Water Arriving to the Columbia River.
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife Management (1998) Utah State University.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
2010 to Present: I run the Chesapeake Bay Parasite Project, a citizen science effort occurring each June and August since 2013. I am the benthic team lead for the Great Lakes Survey. I manage the lab's website. Am on the local planning committee for the 11th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions.
2008 to 2010: I managed a large-scale ballast water verification effort in California and New Zealand. The goal was to determine if trace elements in water samples collected from the ballast tanks of arriving ships could be used to verify ballast water exchange. I worked with enforcement officers in California and New Zealand to collect and analysis hundreds of samples.
2005 to 2008: I was a team leader on a large-scale ballast water verification project that evaluated the application and implementation of chemical tracers for ballast water exchange verification in ports and in the Pacific Ocean. I organized and lead 23 research trips on the west coast of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea. Research cruises occurred on charter vessels as well as commercial cargo ships.
Contact Information
Edgewater, Maryland