
How to Make and Use Manual Band Dendrometers

Install the bands

You will need to bring the following equipment to the field:

  • The bands, cut to the appropriate length, for each tree
  • A spring for each band
  • An extra clip for each band, folded like the one you used in making the clip for the band head.
  • The hole punch
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Surgical scissors ('trauma shears')
  • Diameter tape
  • Digital calipers with resolution to 0.01 mm
  • Black permanent marker (fine point)
  • Recommended: Eye protection for use while installing the springs, antiseptic and band-aids. 

Safety note: During the installation of the band, be careful of the sharp edges and wear eye protection.

Remove any moss, dirt, debris, loose bark, etc., from a space of about 3 cm above and below where the band will go.  If the bark is very rough, you can smooth the area for band installation with a rasp.  Using the diameter tape, measure and record the diameter of the trunk at the height of the band.

Wrap the band around the trunk so that the window in the band is to the right of the head (i.e., to your right) and facing downward and the tail end is to the left (Figure 8).  The band should be straight and flat against the trunk all the way around the tree – do not allow any twisting.

Figure 8 (Credit: SERC Volunteer)

Slide the tail end through the clip at the back of the head end so that it emerges between the band and the bark. Slide the tail end past the window.  Trim the tail end of band so that there is a one-centimeter opening remaining between the end of the tail and the right end of the window. You can do this by pulling the band tight and measuring one centimeter to the left of the right edge of window. Mark the tail at this spot with the black permanent marker. Slide the tail end of the band back out and use the surgical scissors to trim off the excess that extends beyond your mark. This cut must be square and clean.  Re-insert the tail. Your band should now look like this (Figure 9):

Figure 9 (Credit: SERC Volunteer)

The next step is to punch a second hole in the band for the stainless-steel spring to hold the ends of the band together. This spring keeps the band securely on the tree and prevents it from sliding up or down.

Make sure the band is tight. From the center of the existing hole in the head end of the band, measure to the left, along the tail, about twice the length of the spring. The common spring length is 6.5 cm, so measure a distance of 13 cm (= 2 * 6.5).  Mark this spot on the band. Use the punch to make a hole at this mark.

With the needle-nose pliers, bend the hooks at both ends of the spring outward slightly so that they will catch in the holes. Hook one end of the spring into the hole in the head end of the band. If the band has loosened, re-tighten it. Hook the other end of the spring into the hole that you just punched. You will probably need the needle-nose pliers to attach the spring to the second hole.

Safety note: The spring may fly off accidentally, so be careful and use eye protection.

Make sure the band is as tight as possible and perpendicular to the trunk. Wrap a stainless-steel clip loosely around the band where the tail end overlaps the window. The ends of the clip should face inward, toward the bark. The clip will keep the tail end aligned with the band and prevent it from sliding up or down the tree. (The "clip" is the light grey band in the drawing below.) (Figure 10)

Figure 10 (Credit: SERC Volunteer)

Once the band has been successfully installed, record an initial measurement of the gap, following the procedure described below.