
SERC Education Field Trip Policies

All visitors and program participants must adhere to SERC’s safety policy and follow instructions from SERC staff and volunteers. SERC reserves the right to end the field trip at any time, and your group will be invoiced for the entire trip, if participants persist in unsafe or disrespectful behavior after a verbal warning.

Student Numbers

We carefully plan our program content, safety, materials, and staffing based on the number of students you provide, and that are in your field trip confirmation form.

  • We don’t have infinite elasticity and fluidity, we prepare your program based on the numbers you give us.
  • We realize that student numbers fluctuate.
  • We will contact you two weeks before your program to confirm student numbers and times as stated in your original confirmation form.
  • If student numbers go above the limit we reserve the right to change your program to accommodate the new numbers.
  • Changes may include shortening stations, eliminating stations, or asking ½ the group to hike while the other ½ does rotations and then swapping.
  • If you bring more than the number stated when contacted two weeks before your trip, then you will be charged a $18/student surcharge on top of the normal student fee.


Payment is expected two weeks before your trip (or before). You may pay by cash, credit card, or check. Call 443-482-2202 to pay by credit card.

Late Arrival

If your group is more than 30 minutes late, then we reserve the right to delete activities from your trip or shorten stations in the interest of time. There will be no refunds or reduction of fees in this circumstance.


To cancel a reservation, please notify us at least five business days in advance by contacting 443-482-2216 or If your group does not give five days’ advance notice of cancellation you will be charged and invoiced for the entire program fee. With less than five days’ notice, we cannot fill your date and time slot, and we must cover our staff’s time and the expenses that are lost. Weather-related school closures are unavoidable and school groups will not be charged a cancellation fee.

Arrival and Departure

You must indicate your expected arrival and departure time when you register. Please notify us at 443-482-2216 if you cannot make your assigned time.


Our facility is wheelchair accessible and handicap parking is offered on-site (must have a hang tag or license plate). Accommodations can be made for most activities.

Allergies and Medication

If your students have any allergies, or you have special medical concerns (such as touching shellfish, oysters, crabs, etc.), you must inform the program director when you book your program. You will also be asked to identify the one person(s) that will have any medication for your group or the students that have special needs.

Cell Phones and Electronics

SERC is a wet environment, and cell phones and electronics may get damaged. SERC is not responsible for electronic devices, or their damage, during programs. All students must keep cell phones off and packed away. They will not be allowed to take them to stations. Adults may bring their cell phones, at their own risk, but must keep them turned off or on silent in their pockets or bags. Cell phone picture-taking is permitted as long as it is not distracting to the program.

Drinking Water

SERC education programs are mostly outside. If you will be going on a hike or canoe trip we require that every participant have a refillable water bottle of at least 8oz or more. SERC does not provide water bottles for participants. If your group/participants show up without a water bottle they will not be allowed to participate in the programs and you will be asked to provide a chaperone to sit with the students who are not participating. Those students not participating will still be charged for the program. If it is over 80°F and your students are participating in rotation stations it is strongly suggested that students also have refillable water bottles, if they do not then SERC staff reserves the right to take time from station rotations for water breaks.


If you have an outside activity planned, please make sure students are dressed appropriately for weather conditions, including extra water and sunscreen, raincoats, etc. If it is lightly raining we will still continue with programs. If there is heavier rain or small craft advisory, we may, at SERC’s sole discretion, cancel the program or offer alternative activities or dates.

Canoe Trips

For students to participate in canoeing or kayaking they should be able to swim. We also require that air and water temperatures, combined, meet at least 100°F.

For more information, email Karen McDonald (