Robert Aguilar
Research Technician
Visiting Hours: Monday-Sunday, 8am-5:30pm. Read Plan Your Visit for more information on where to park, updated maps, safety, and more. Find out when to visit the Woodlawn History Center.
B.S. Marine Science, Stockton University, 1998
M.S. Zoology, North Carolina State University, 2003
Research Interests:
Long-term fish and invertebrate surveys, Estuarine and marine ecology, Population and community ecology, DNA barcoding and genetic reference libraries, Invasive species, Active and passive biotelemetry of fish and invertebrates, Fish movement, Gut content analysis, Electrofishing techniques, Blue Crab mark-recapture, Blue Crab population and fishery dynamics, Scientific diving, Biodiversity surveys, Herpetological monitoring, Anuran calling surveys
Contact Info:
Office: 443-482-2436
Fax: 443-482-2380
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
647 Contees Wharf Road
Edgewater, MD 21037