Natasha Hitchcock
Research Technician
Marine Biologist Research Labs
Visiting Hours: Monday-Sunday, 8am-4:30pm. Read Plan Your Visit for more information on where to park, updated maps, safety, and more. Find out when to visit the Woodlawn History Center.
Fields of Interest: Coastal invasions ecology, substrate community interactions, invertebrate larval settlement, biofouling, invertebrate taxonomy and morphology, Bryozoan taxonomy.
Education: MS Biology, American University, 1998; BA Marine Biology w/ Earth Science minor, UC Santa Cruz, 1994
Previous Jobs Held: Independent Contractor, Oceantash Consulting, 2014-2017; Biological Research Technician, SERC, 2001-2007; Oceanographer/Science Assistant, National Science Foundation, 1999-2001; Program Assistant, NMNH, 1998-1999; Museum Technician/Data Manager, NMNH, 1996-1998
McCann, L, Hitchcock, NG, Winston, JM, and Ruiz, GM (2007) Asian imports in Florida? Non-native Bryozoans in subtropical United States Coastal Embayments. Bulletin of Marine Science.
deRivera, CE, Hitchcock, NG, Teck, SJ, Steves, BP, Hines, AH, and Ruiz, GM (2007) Larval development rate predicts range expansion of an introduced crab. Marine Biology.
Hines, AH, Ruiz, GM, Hitchcock, NG, and deRivera, CE (2004) Projecting range expansion of invasive European Green Crabs, Carcinus maenas, to Alaska: Temperature and Salinity Tolerance of Larvae. Report to the Prince Williams Regional Citizen’ Advisory Council.
Gray, NL, Loeb, GI, and Banta, WC (2002) Aquatic biofouling larvae respond to differences in the mechanical properties of the surface on which they settle. Biofouling. Vol. 18(4):269-273.
Gray, NL (1999) The effect of polymer surface chain mobility on the settlement of marine larvae. MS Thesis, Dept. of Biology, American University, Washington DC.
Moser, WE, Gray, NL, Reed, K and Bright, CF (1998) The US Antarctic Program at the Smithsonian Institution. Antarctic Ecosystems: models for wider ecological understanding. Proceedings of the Seventh SCAR Symposium on Antarctic Biology.
Banta, WC, Gray, NL and Gordon, DP (1997) A cryptocystal operculum and a new method of polypide protrusion in the cheilostome bryozoan, Macropora grandis. Invertebrate Biology 116(2):161-170.
Loeb GI, Gray NL and Banta WC (1997) Signal for metamorphosis in sessile aquatic organisms (abstr). 5th International Conference on Invertebrate neurochemistry and Neurophysiology - ICINN, September 7-11, 1997, Eilat, Israel.
Gray, NL (1996) Does chain mobility of silicone and PEO polymers deter settlement? (abstr). 24th Ann Benthic Ecol Meet Univ So Carolina, March 10, 1996.
Gray, NL (1996) Does chain mobility of silicone and PEO polymers deter settlement? (abstr). 6th Annual CAS Student Research Conference, American University.
Gray, NL (2001) Aquatic biofouling larvae respond to differences in the mechanical properties of the surface on which they settle. Presented at the 29th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, 17 March 2001. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
Bright, CF, Moser, WE, Reed, K and Gray, NL (1998) The US Antarctic Program at the Smithsonian Institution. Presented at SCAR VII International Biology Symposium, 31 August - 4 September 1998. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Hitchcock, NG. (2004) Marine Invasions Research: Sources, Patterns, and Effects. 1 March 2004. American University, Washington, DC.
Hitchcock, NG, Teck, SJ, Lipski, D, Steves, BP, deRivera, CE and Ruiz, GM. (2003) Predicting European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas, invasion in Alaska: Larval Tolerance Experiments. Presented at the 31st Benthic Ecology Meeting, 29 March 2003. Groton, CT.
Hitchcock, NG, Teck, SJ, Lipski, D, Steves, BP, deRivera, CE and Ruiz, GM. (2003) Predicting European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas, invasion in Alaska: Larval Tolerance Experiments. Presented at the Marine Bioinvasions Meeting, 18 March 2003. Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA.
Loeb GI, Gray N and Banta WC (1997) Signal for settlement and metamorphosis of aquatic organisms. Fifth International Congress of Invertebrate Neurochemistry and Neurobiology, September 1997. Eilat, Israel.
Gray, NL (1996) Does chain mobility of silicone and polyethylene oxide polymers deter settlement? 24th Annual Benthic Ecology Meetings, 10 March 1996. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Gray, NL (1996) Does chain mobility of silicone and polyethylene oxide polymers deter settlement? 6th Annual College of Arts and Sciences Student Research Conference, 17 February 1996. American University, Washington, DC.