Intern Alumni

Fatima Alcantara- Assisted with the 2020 Spring American Women's History Initiative project Through Her Microscope: Using Stories of the Past and Present Accomplishments of Women in Science to Engage Library Audiences.

Gabi Yarosh - Focused on transforming and analyzing demographic data from the Chesapeake Bay Parasite Project into a manuscript for publication, discussing Participatory Science collected data and the factors that may affect the percentage missed during sampling and sorting.

Jen Schlauch - Created educational videos and tutorials to allow students and teachers to engage with and be excited by the Orchids in the Classroom Participatory Science project.

Nicole Esch- Assisted with the 2019 Participatory Science Newsletter and the Fall 2019 Orchids in the Classrooms experiment.

Mackenzie Carter- Assisted with the 2018 Participatory Science Newsletter and created lesson plans for the Spring 2019 Orchids in the Classrooms experiment.

Dylann Middleton- Organized and analyzed demographic data for the Chesapeake Bay Parasite Project.

Perrin Davidson- Researched and created a sustainability report of SERC activities as a starting point for SERCs Sustainability Committee moving towards a Net-Zero goal by 2025.

Jasmine Mirfattah - Organized and analyzed demographic data for the Chesapeake Bay Parasite Project, looking at whether volunteer scientists collected as high-quality data as researchers.

Laura Guiral - Transformed photographing lab methods into protocols that will be used by volunteers for Invader ID project, which identifies invasive species. Tested and finalized which materials worked best to deploy off docks for sample collection.

Sam Snowdin - Assisted in data management for the Orchids in the Classrooms project.

Jennifer Ascencio (Chapman College)- Helped build student science fair "kits" for high school students.

Shannan Stafford (Bryn Mawr College)- Engaged communities by compiling projects SERC and local libraries collaborate on.

Jessica Hubbard (George Mason, Grad Student)- Collaborated on a project, "Transitioning from a 'Traditional' Research Project to a Citizen Science Project."

Leorah McGinnis- Created the 2016 Participatory Science Newsletter and videos.

Ruth Dickey-Chasins (Smith College)- Analyzed volunteer use of calipers and how accurately vols can be used to track tree measurements.

LaKeisha Thompson- Created introductory videos about the Global Change Research Wetland.

Jenna Davis- Created a field guide for BiodiversiTREE volunteers.

Sarah Grady (University of Maryland, Grad Student)- Focused on erosion and sedimentation archaeology around SERC's campus.

Caroline Kanaskie (Dickinson College)- Organized and analyzed data collected by volunteers with the Bluebird Project.

Jacob Saindon (University of Chicago)- Created an Archaeology StoryMap about the history of SERC's campus.

JieYuen Ong (Queen's University, Grad Student)- Examining how environmental factors affect reproduction and fitness in a biparental burying beetle.