Donald Weller
Scientist Emeritus
Quantitative Ecologist Research Labs
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Don earned a B.A. in Biology from Wabash College and a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Tennessee. Don has expertise in ecological modeling and landscape ecology and over 30 years of post-graduate research experience. He leads a research program that applies spatial analysis and mathematical, statistical, and computer models to ecological problems. His work considers the linkages among ecosystems and the role of human activities in complex landscapes. His research has contributed to understanding and solving environmental problems arising from human impacts. Don is a leader in developing the science of landscape ecology as applied to the transfer of materials through landscapes. His recent research has focused on the linkages of watersheds to wetland condition, to stream chemistry and biology, and to estuarine health.
An up-to-date list of Don's publications with links to full text copies in PDF format is available from Smithsonian Research Online at this link (Don Weller publication list).
Contact Information
Donald E. Weller
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
647 Contees Wharf Road, P.O. Box 28
Edgewater, MD 21037-0027