Staff Profile
Head and shoulders photo of Cynthia Gilmour


Research Interests 

I am a biogeochemist and microbial ecologist with special interest in mercury. My group focuses on the microbial mercury methylation process in cultures, sediments and soils. Our research includes mercury fate and transport at multiple scales and in many types of environments, isolation and characterization of Hg-methylating microbes, the bioavailability of Hg for microbial methylation, and novel approaches to remediation of contaminated sites.  

Google Scholar page


  • Kerin, E. J. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Roden, R. ; Suzuki, M. T. ; Coates, J. D. ; Mason, R. P. (2006). [node:title] . Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 , 7919-7921.
  • Orihel, D. M. ; Paterson, M. J. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Bodaly, R. A. ; Blanchfiled, P. J. ; Hintelmann, H. ; Harris, R. C. ; Rudd, J. W. M. (2006). [node:title] . Environmental Science & Technology, 40 , 5992-6000.
  • Paterson, M. J. ; Blanchfield, P. J. ; Podemski, C. ; Hintelman, H. H. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Harris, R. ; Ogrinc, N. ; Rudd, J. W. M. ; Sandlands, K. A. (2006). [node:title] . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63 , 2213-2224.
  • Rearick, Michael S. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Heyes, Andrew ; Mason, Robert P. (2005). [node:title] . Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24 (12) , 3043-3047.
  • Sandilands, Ken A. ; Rudd, John W. M. ; Kelly, Carol A. ; Hintelmann, Holger ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Tate, Michael T. (2005). Application of enriched stable mercury isotopes to the Lake 658 watershed for the METAALICUS project, at the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2597 , viii-48.
  • Babiarz, C. L. ; Hurley, J. P. ; Krabbenhoft, D. P. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Branfireun, Brian A. (2003). [node:title] . Science of the Total Environment, 304 , 295-303.
  • Benoit, J. M. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Heyes, A. ; Mason, R. P. ; Miller, C. (2003). [node:title] . Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements (262-297) American Chemical Society .
  • Jay, Jenny Alya ; Murray, Karen J. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Mason, Robert P. ; Morel, Francois M. M. ; Roberts, A. Lynn ; Hemond, Harold F. (2002). [node:title] . Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68 , 5741-5745.
  • Warner, K. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Capone, D. (2002). [node:title] . FEMS Microbial Ecology, 40 , 159-165.
  • Benoit, J. M. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Mason, R. P. (2001). [node:title] . Environmental Science & Technology, 35 , 127-132.
  • Benoit, J. M. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Mason, R. P. (2001). [node:title] . Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67 , 51-58.
  • Benoit, J. M. ; Mason, R. P. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Aiken, George R. (2001). [node:title] . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65 , 4445-4451.
  • Krabbenhoft, D. ; Hurley, J. ; Aiken, George R. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. ; Marvin-DiPasquale, M. ; Ore, W. ; Harris, R. (2000). [node:title] . Verhandlungen Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 27 , 1657-1660.
  • Marvin-DiPasquale, J. Agee ; McGowan, C. ; Oremland, R. S. ; Thomas, M. ; Krabbenhoft, D. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. (2000). [node:title] . Environmental Science & Technology, 34 , 4908-4916.
  • Benoit, J. M. ; Mason, R. P. ; Gilmour, Cynthia C. (1999). [node:title] . Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18 , 2138-2141.
