SERC Event

Educators Program: Interpretation Techniques and Working with Groups

Group management techniques

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 - 9:00am - 12:30pm
Event Location
Reed Education Center
Advance Registration Required

Event Details

Dates: June 21st, July 12th, August 2nd

Times: 9 am-12:30 pm

Ages: 18+

Description: Each month outdoor educators, both formal and informal, are invited to join us for a workshop series related to interpretation techniques and working with groups. Free, but you must register. Limited to 25 participants. 

Cost: Free

To Register: Email 

  • June 21- Biophobia and addressing fears on trips and in the field: We’ll explore what biophobia is, where it comes from, and how to address it when guiding outdoor programs
  • July 12th- Group management techniques: We’ll look at how to adapt programs for different age groups, audiences, and learners. 
  • August 2nd- Tools and equipment to enhance engagement on trips: Learn technology and simple tools that can enhance your outdoor programs.